Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Learn the Right way to do Push Ups

Push ups are a great way to exercise because they build muscle. Many people do push ups the wrong way. Are you making this mistake? Watch this video to learn the right way to do push ups

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lose Weight while Gaining Muscle

Do you ever wonder if you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time? Well in fact, it is possible.

To gain muscle you must go to the gym. Training and overworking your muscles is the easiest way to gain muscle. Even if you do not have the proper nutrition you still need to train hard. You must stay mentally strong and continue to build muscle mass. It will help if you eat healthy and make sure you obtain an efficient amount of protein.

By paying attention to your diet you will be more likely to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. Keep you daily caloric intake below your maintenance level. The calories you take in should be from carbohydrates. It helps if you reduce your calorie intake and replace them with protein. Also you should watch your fat intake.

This is a simple process to help you manipulate your carbohydrate consumption: Eat only veggies as carbohydrate consumption for a few days and then go back to rice and grains as carbohydrates for a couple of days. Rotate and you will see your weight drop. This is a very effective strategy. Start now!